


About Us

RTE ETI Environtech Private Limited is a registered company having its headquarters in the capital city of Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It is a feather in the cap of “Rise and Grow Group of Companies” and it ventures into the new technology of Road Safety equipment with an exclusivity contract with ETI Limited, Korea for the geographical location of India.

In today’s scenario loss of human lives is a major concern for all developing nations and as the volume of traffic is increasing day by day so does the figure in the number of accidents and the fatalities.

We at RTE ETI Environtech Private Limited are dedicated to improving traffic safety and mobility so motorists can arrive at their destination faster and safer. Our team works continuously on enhancement of technology and develops products which eradicate the loss of human lives during accidents.

The vision & mission of RTE ETI Environtech Private Limited is to enhance the standards of safety technology for our roads to bring down the fatality rates during accidents. We strive each day to build up confidence with our innovative technology to ensure “Safeguarding lives on roads”.


Our vision is to successfully implement lifesaving road safety technology on all roads at the earliest and ensure to reduce the accident fatality to a negligible figure as compared to the current rate of fatality in accidents.


We set forth an ambitious goal for ourselves of catapulting our company into a higher growth trajectory towards achievement of a major milestone and becoming the country leader for technology related to “ROAD SAFETY” and eradicate the loss of human lives in road accidents.